Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Storm '09 Packs a Punch!

I'm due for a blog update, but hopefully you'll understand since we've had a terrible one-two punch of nasty winter weather. To say the least, we've been busy.

As I write this I'm sitting in a hotel room at 2am for the second night in a row because the weather is too dangerous for me to drive home. Quite honestly, it was a miracle I even made it across town to the hotel. It took an hour of defrosting, two borrowed scrapers and de-icer, two men (thanks Derek and Mike) and me scraping just to get my car cleaned off. Then, a couple more guys from work(thanks Jeff C. and Bill) had to push my car out of my parking space in order for me to leave! And to the nice man that pushed my car again as I pulled into the hotel, thank you. Driving conditions are really that bad. So my advice, stay at home! I know it gets old to hear and when you're sitting at home thinking you've surfed every inch of the Web known to man, it's easy to become stir crazy, but take it from my small excursion tonight and just play it safe.

Several times when I've met people and when they hear I work for a television station, they think it's a glamorous job, complete with hairstylists and makeup artists....errrrr....wrong! However, it is a very demanding, important job that when done well, can look glamorous.

The past couple of days our news crew has put in countless hours to bring you our best coverage of Winter Storm '09. It takes a lot of dedicated people. Where most people get a day off work or school, we get extra work, longer hours, in dangerous conditions.

Now, I don't say this to complain. Actually, not in the least. I love my job. In my opinion, it's is a very important job as thousands of people depend on the information we gather and disseminate, especially in cases like this severe winter weather. It's a job I feel obligated to do my very best at because that's what people deserve. (I'm not just being cliche, I really do feel that way.)

And while I'm running on about eight hours of sleep since Sunday and some stale pizza, like my fellow newsies I feel an adrenaline rush to keep going. (You're positive feedback keeps us going in the cold, nasty conditions.)

To all of you who sent in pictures of all the ice, thanks! I've enjoyed looking through them. To those who participated in our live chat, thanks! You've provided valuable information for who knows how many other people reading the comments.

I'm heading in for a couple hours shut eye and then we'll start it all over again!


  1. Christy;
    you and John D. have taken the KFVS web page to new heights. A very hardy WELL DONE. I like the live web cast of this morning from 5a. my sat. was out but I had the internet.and watched the Breakfast show this morning. Agian WELL DONE.

  2. Christy,

    Just found your blog and I'm happy to see it. I echo Stargaze's sentiment with a WELL DONE!!! KFVS has risen to a new height of excellence and has been an absolute lifeline for so many people this week. I know the world will thaw and we'll all get things back to a more normal routine. I sincerely hope we all recover, but that we never forget that, together, we can get through anything the world throws at us. Heartland people are the best in the country and it just doesn't matter if the world knows it...WE know it.

    Thanks again for everything you've done this week. I wish for you refreshing, unbroken sleep, fresh pizza, and a great big box of brand new corduroy pillows...


