Sunday, May 3, 2009

What kind of tech user are you?

I was perusing through the Pew Research Center website and found an interesting quiz that tells you what kind of tech user you are. As a web producer, this perked my interest so I took the quiz.

After answering several questions about my online and mobile usage, it told me I am a "digital collaborator." According to Pew, I use the Internet to work with and share my creations with others. Pew also says I'm enthusiastic about how ICTs help me connect with others and confident in how to manage digital devices and information. For the most part, I would have to agree. I'm online everday. A majority of the work I do is online. I consume information and entertainment online. I also communicate with others via social networking and email online. Not to mention, I'm a newbie to the smartphone world, so I now use my Blackberry to get online.

So if you're interested to find out if you're a media mover, roving node, information encumbered or some other type of tech user, take the quiz and find out.

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