Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conficker Worm - April Fool's Computer Virus

The Conficker worm is squirming its way through the Internet and it could infect your computer! Mass hysteria! Ahhh! Ok, really it's not that big of a least not so far today.

The malicious Conficker worm was set to update to become more aggressive today, but so far nothing noticeable has happened.

Computers already infected with the worm were to be told to step up their attempts to "phone home" for commands (E.T. anyone?). However, the chief research officer at antivirus company F-Secure says that the only thing that's happened so far with the bug.

Computers running Miscrosoft Windows operating system are suseptible. It could be used to send spam or perform other cybercrimes.

It's believed the virus, discovered in 2008, has infected 10 million computers worldwide. But, most of those are in Asia, Europe and South America, according to an article by PC World.

It mainly affects big companies with networks, but it's a good idea to make sure your computer is updated with the latest antivirus software. Microsoft offers this help.

A good rule of thumb to find out if your PC is infected is to try to visit an antivirus software company like Symantec or Microsoft. If you can't log on, your computer may be infected.

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